Powerstroke P3 Felt Tone Coated



The Powerstroke® P3 Felt Tone® Bass Drumheads incorporate the traditional style of dampening a bass drum with a strip of felt into an easy-to-install all-inclusive Drumhead.

  • Features the traditional style of dampening a bass drum with an easy to install all inclusive Drumhead.
  • Constructed with a free floating felt dampening strip.
  • Ideal for vintage and contemporary Drum-set applications

The Powerstroke® P3 Felt Tone® Bass Drumheads incorporate the traditional style of dampening a bass drum with a strip of felt into an easy-to-install all-inclusive Drumhead. P3 Felt Tone Bass Heads are constructed with a free floating felt dampening strip built into the Drumhead without glues or adhesives making them ideal for vintage and contemporary Drum-set applications.


Felt Tone Drumheads
What are the benefits of using the Felt Tone drumhead versus installing felt across the head or the Aquarian head that's similar?

The Felt strip on the Felt Tone drumhead is adhered to the underlay ring that splits vertically down the head and is free-floating from the head. Aquarian is fixed to the head itself. The traditional method of installing a felt strip would usually require 2 people to hold the felt taut while installing the head...this causes uneven contact between the collar of the drumhead and bearing edge and effects tuning and tone, and visually unappealing with a crooked head on the shell.

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